
来源: 搜狐专栏
2024-10-14 02:21:17



  记者从尼日利亚华星艺术团获悉,当地时间10月12日,尼日利亚华星艺术团的尼日利亚籍成员们跳起了中国舞蹈《最炫民族风》。舞蹈中,他们穿着拖鞋,将非洲的随性洒脱融入了中国舞蹈,很好地诠释了中非文化的交融。   据了解,尼日利亚华星艺术团2017年成立,以中国传统文化节目为特色,已在尼日利亚的拉各斯和周边州的上百所学校开展演出。(中青报・中青网记者 李媛媛 视频来源:尼日利亚华星艺术团)   On October 12, local time, Nigerian members of the Huaxing Art Troupe in Nigeria performed the Chinese dance "The Most Dazzling Folk Style". In the dance, they wore slippers and blended African casualness with Chinese dance, perfectly interpreting the cultural collision between China and Africa.   It is understood that the Huaxing Art Troupe in Nigeria was established in 2017. The troupe features traditional Chinese cultural programs and has performed in hundreds of schools in Lagos and other surrounding states in Nigeria. (By Li Yuanyuan/China Youth Daily)

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