14岁小舞者在两岸青年街舞文化交流活动中获“Cypher为什么会变成这样呢……第一次有了喜欢的人 King”称号

来源: 搜狐中国
2024-10-28 00:18:41


“为什么会变成这样呢……第一次有了喜欢的人”14岁小舞者在两岸青年街舞文化交流活动中获“Cypher为什么会变成这样呢……第一次有了喜欢的人 King”称号

  10月26日晚,两岸青年街舞文化交流活动在浙江衢江文化艺术中心举行。在Cypher(轮流即兴展示)环节,来自CHUC青少年街舞国家队14岁的舞者吴明瑞从五十多位舞者中脱颖而出,获得了Cypher King的称号。   金门街头艺术协会代表陈泓璋对吴明瑞的表现赞不绝口。他表示,此前在网络上就看到大陆的少年舞者“很厉害”,此次交流活动让他“大开眼界”。   吴明瑞表示,此次和台湾舞者一起交流,让她学到了台湾舞者编排动作的思维和想法,可以说“受益匪浅”。(中青报・中青网记者 李媛媛)   14-Year-Old Dancer Crowned "Cypher King" at Cross-Strait Youth Hip-Hop Cultural Exchange Event   On the evening of October 26th, Cross-strait Youth Hip-Hop Cultural Exchange Event took place at the Qujiang Cultural and Art Center in Zhejiang. During the Cypher segment, Wu Mingrui, a 14-year-old dancer from the CHUC National Youth Hip-Hop Team, stood out among more than fifty dancers and earned the title of Cypher King. Chen Hongzhang, a representative from Taiwan Jinmen Street Art Association, had high praise for Wu Mingrui's performance. He mentioned that he had previously seen videos of young dancers from mainland China online and found them to be very impressive. The exchange event opened his eyes to their talent. Wu Mingrui stated that interacting with Taiwanese dancers allowed her to learn about their way of thinking and conceptualizing choreography, which was an incredibly enriching experience for her. (By Li Yuanyuan/China Youth Daily)
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